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Showing posts from June, 2018


Electro magnetic Induction: The process by which electric current is produced in a circuit due to change in the magnetic field associated with it is known as Electro magnetic Induction. There are 2 laws of Electro magnetic induction  Electro magnetic induction Faraday's law Lenz's law Faraday 1st law This law of electro magnetic induction states that when ever the magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes , an  induced emf is produced. Faraday's 2nd law This law states that the magnitude of induced emf is directly proportional to the time rate of change in magnetic flux linked with the circuit Lenz's law This law states that the induced current produced in a circuit due to change in magnetic flux always flows in such a direction that it opposes the cause that produces it.


Kirchhoff's law: 1.Kirchhoff's current law: According to this law it is known that the sum of currents flowing into a junction is equal to the sum if currents flowing outside the junction,in a given circuit. In this given circuit we can see that 'N' is the junction and the currents I(1),I(2),I(3) are flowing towards the junction and current I(5),I(4) are flowing outwards. And according to Kirchhoff's current law we can say that,                          I(1)+I(2)+I(3)=I(5)+I(4)  2.Kirchhoff's Voltage law: This law states that in a given circuit the Algebraic sum of all the voltages is equal to zero.                                                                        Here,if suppose imagine that current is flow in...


Law's of electricity: Law of Resistance  Law of conductance Ohm's law Open circuit  Short circuit  Kirchhoff's law Kirchhoff's current law   Kirchhoff's voltage law  7.Law of Electromagnetic induction Faraday's law of electro magnetic induction  Lenz's law of Electro magnetic induction  8.Flemings rules. Right hand rule  Left hand rule  9.Current Division 10.Voltage division                     There are still some laws but 1st lets complete all these 10 laws...out of these 10...we have already seen law of resistance,conductance and ohm's law and now coming to open circuit and short circuit  Open circuit: A circuit is said to be open circuited when the terminals which are parallel to its voltage source,are not connected to each other or in other word the terminals are left open.In this case the current flowing through the circuit is zero as...


Dielectric: The word dielectric means nothing but insulator.It means that a dielectric material is something which do not allow the flow of current through it. Dielectric Strength: It is defined as the limit of filed strength i.e the property of an insulator that can withstand or oppose the flow of current without breakdown.The breakdown field of an insulator is 10,000 . That means above this limit of breakdown field the insulator starts conducting the current and behaves as a conducting material. Inductance: It is a property of a conductor in which,as the current flowing through it is being changed continuously there will be change in its EMF.The inductance of a material is denoted by letter L and is measured in Henry These inductance is of two types : 1.Self inductance: It is the ratio of change of  emf of a circuit to the change of current in the same circuit. 2.Mutual inductance: It is the ratio of change of emf of a circuit to the change of curre...


Capacitor: Capacitor is similar to that of a battery. Both the devices are used to store the energy but capacitor is mostly used than a battery as it is apt for many circuit designs. It stores energy in the form of electrostatic charge.The capacitor consists of two metal plates which are separated by a dielectric material. Capacitors The smaller the distance between the plates the greater will be its capacitance. There are almost 5 types of capacitors Variable capacitor Ceramic capacitor Paper capacitor Mica capacitor Electrolytic capacitor The difference between a battery and capacitor is that,the way they store energy and the way they deliver the energy are different when compared with each other.


There are two types of supplies AC SUPPLY DC SUPPLY AC SUPPLY: The AC current is generally abbreviated as Alternating current . Unlike the DC current the AC current changes its direction and magnitude periodically. The alternating current is the periodically varying current,the average value of which over a period,is zero. The frequency of Alternating current f=finite value. DC SUPPLY: The DC current can be abbreviated as the Direct current. The volt and current available from the batteries or solar cells. The standard DC voltages are about 230 and 460 volts There are no changes in its direction and magnitude The frequency of  this Direct current f=0 , that means frequency does not exists.


Ohm's law:  The concept of ohm's law was proposed by Georg Simon Ohm and so it is named as Ohm's law. It states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across the ends of the conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance.                         I=V/R          here,                         I-current                        V-potential difference                        R-resistance Ohm's law cannot be applied to Magnetically coupled circuits such as Transformers Vacuum tubes Gas filled tubes Semiconductor devices such as diodes Transistors Temperature dependent devices such as thermistors Photo sensitive devices Non linear ele...


Resistance: The property of a material which opposes the flow of current is known Resistance. The Units of Resistance is  kilo ohm's. Mega ohm's. Milli ohm's. Micro ohm's.  The device used for this purpose is known as a Resistor. These are widely used in electric circuits. Law of Resistance: Resistance is directly proportional to length of the material. Resistance is inversely proportional to area of the conductor          R=(rho)×(l/a)  Here,          rho-Resistivity or specific resistance          l-length of material          a-Area of the material. The unit of this Resistivity are Ohm's per meter Ohm's per meter cube Ohm's per centimetre Ohm's per centimetre cube  Where,           1 ohm per meter=100 ohm's per centimetre Conductance: It is just a reciprocal of Resistance. It is the ...


                         Emf and potential difference Emf : We have already learnt that the rate of transfer or flow of electric charge is known as current and the force that is used to transfer this electric charge is known as Emf. Emf in general is abbreviated as Electro motive force. The units of this Electro motive force is Volts. Potential difference : Volt is the potential difference between two points of a conductor. In general the potential at one end of a conductor is positive and the potential at the other end will be negative. The difference in volts between this positive and negative ends is known as the Potential difference of the conductor.


                                          CURRENT In general the word current is defined as the flow of electrons inside a conducting material but this statement cannot be  justified unless and until transfer of charge takes place.              I n other words current is also defined as the rate of flow of charge in a conducting material                                   I=[dQ/dt]                  Here,                                  I-current                                  Q-charge         ...


                                                                JOBS                                                         Telangana state government had released the official notification of Norther power Distribution Corporation Limited Recruitment for 107 Juniour Accountant Officer Posts.Candidates who have qualified,,CA in 1st division are eligible. Intresed candidates may apply.


Jobs Telangana state government had announced for the recruitment of 63 Asistant Engineers and 435 Sub Engineers posts in Northern Power Distribution Corporation Limited recently.The Qualification for the above posts is a graduation dregee or diploma in Electrical Engineering(EEE). All the eligible candidates may apply. Applications are already started.


                                DREAMS Dreams......everyone has a dream Dream of excelling in career Dream of earning money Dream of being loved Dream of being surrounded by people you love Dream of being happy Dream of achieving your goal in life At some point of life all yours dreams are going to come true for sure....for sure....but the day you reach that stage of life and once when you turn back and have a look over your must see your foot steps which worked so hard to reach the place where you are right now.....but not the lost yourself no matter what.... Situations in life go on changing...but your character must remain same at every stage of life bcoz situations are temporary but your character...ha ha... it leaves a permanent effect...