- The property of a material which opposes the flow of current is known Resistance.
- The Units of Resistance is
- kilo ohm's.
- Mega ohm's.
- Milli ohm's.
- Micro ohm's.
- The device used for this purpose is known as a Resistor.
- These are widely used in electric circuits.
Law of Resistance:
- Resistance is directly proportional to length of the material.
- Resistance is inversely proportional to area of the conductor
rho-Resistivity or specific resistance
l-length of material
a-Area of the material.
- The unit of this Resistivity are
- Ohm's per meter
- Ohm's per meter cube
- Ohm's per centimetre
- Ohm's per centimetre cube
1 ohm per meter=100 ohm's per centimetre
- It is just a reciprocal of Resistance.
- It is the property of a material which allows the flow of current.
- One of the best conducting material is copper.
- The units of this condutance is Mho.
- It id denoted by a letter G
- The units of this conductivity are mho per meter.
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