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Steam Power Plant:

A Steam Power Plant is also known as a Thermal Power Plant.This provides the major share of Electrical Energy in India as well as in other Countries.In Steam Power Plants,the heat of combustion of fossil fuels such as Coal,Oil and Gas is utilised by the Boilers to raise Steam at High Pressure and Temperature.
Steam Power Plant

                 The Steam so produced is used in driving the Steam Turbine or sometimes steam Engine coupled to Generators and thus in Generating Electrical Energy.
             Essential features of such power plants are Boilers, Turbines coupled to electrical generators,condensers and large number of auxiliaries.
             The Thermal Efficiency of Steam Power Plant is quite low that is about 30% and Overall Efficiency is about 29% .In steam power plants more than 50% of total heat of combustion is lost as heat rejected to the condenser.


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