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In a Transformer there are mainly 4 types of losses.They are
1.Iron or Core or Constant losses:These losses occur in the core of the transformer and hence they are called as core or constant losses.They are divided into 2 types.
  • Hysteresis losses:This small amount of power consumed by the magnetic domains in order to reverse their orientation for every half cycle.
  • Eddy Current losses:When the nature of flux in the core is alternating then there is circulating current and causes Eddy current losses.
2.Copper or Ohmic or Variable losses:These losses occur in the windings of a Transformer and as the winding are made out of copper these losses are known as copper losses.
3.Stray losses:These are of 2 types
  • Cu Stray losses:When ever the conductors are solid the circulating current stray current causes a loss which is Cu Stray loss.
  • Iron Stray losses:It is a loss taken place in the Transformer tank due to the leakage flux which is a variable loss.
4.Dielectric losses:Whenever the dielectric strength of insulating material is less than the impressed voltage then it will allow a small amount of current called displacement current and this causes Dielectric losses.


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