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Showing posts from September, 2018


Losses: Losses In a Transformer there are mainly 4 types of losses.They are 1.Iron or Core or Constant losses:These losses occur in the core of the transformer and hence they are called as core or constant losses.They are divided into 2 types. Hysteresis losses:This small amount of power consumed by the magnetic domains in order to reverse their orientation for every half cycle. Eddy Current losses:When the nature of flux in the core is alternating then there is circulating current and causes Eddy current losses. 2.Copper or Ohmic or Variable losses:These losses occur in the windings of a Transformer and as the winding are made out of copper these losses are known as copper losses. 3.Stray losses:These are of 2 types Cu Stray losses:When ever the conductors are solid the circulating current stray current causes a loss which is Cu Stray loss. Iron Stray losses:It is a loss taken place in the Transformer tank due to the leakage flux which is a variable loss. ...


Components and their symbols:


Transformer tests: There are 5 main tests of a Transformer 1.Polarity Test:This test is used to determine the polarity of primary and secondary.This test is carried out but connecting a voltmeter across the primary and secondary and if the voltmeter reads the sum of primary and secondary voltages then the secondary terminal is of opposite polarity with respect to primary.It the voltmeter reads the difference of the primary and secondary voltages then the secondary terminal is of the same polarity with respect to primary. 2.Dc Kick Test:This test is also used to find the polarity but here we connect ammeter across the secondary. 3.Open Circuit Test:This test is generally done on the Low voltage side of a Transformer and it is used to find the Constant losses /Iron losses The shunt parameters Hysteresis and Eddy current losses 4.Short circuit test:This test is generally done on the High voltage side of a Transformer and it is used to find the Variable losses/Cu lo...


Transmission lines The Transmission lines are basically Electrical Circuits having distributed constants such as Resistance,Inductance and Capacitance.These contants are uniformly distributed along the length of the line and there concentration at any particular point is not possible Basically these Transmission lines are Classified based on two cases, CASE 1: BASED ON LENGTH:- The Tranmission lines are classified into three types here 1.Short Transmission Lines:When the length of the Tranmission line is below 60 km then they are considered to be under STL 2.Medium Transmission Lines:When the length of the Transmission line is 80-160 km then they are said to be MTL. 3.Long Transmission  Lines: When the length of the Transmission line is above 160 km then they are said to be LTL. CASE 2: BASED ON OPERATING VOLTAGE:- Here the Transmission lines are classified into five types 1.Low Voltage:When the operating voltage is upto 1KV. 2.High Voltage:When the operat...


Circuit breaker Circuit breakers are mechanical devices designed to close or open contact ends,thus closing or opening an electrical circuit under normal or abnormal conditions. Circuit breaker consists of fixed and moving contacts which are touching each other under normal conditions and whenever a fault occurs,the trip coil gets energised,the moving contacts are pulled by some mechanism and so the circuit breaker is opened and the circuit is broken and when ever this interruption occurs an arc is inevitably formed between the contacts which prolongs the current interruption process for a duration ranging from 10 to 100 or more ms. The fluids used in the circuit breaker should posses the properties of 1.High dielectric strength 2.Non inflammability 3.High thermal stability 4.Chemical stability 5. Arc extinguishing ability 6.Commercial availability at moderate cost. Automatic circuit breakers are usually employed for the protection of electric circuits,are equipped with...


Fuse: Fuse is a wire of short length or thin strip of material having low melting point and is inserted in an electric circuit as a protective device to the flow of excessive current through the circuit.The time for blowing out of fuse depends upon the magnitude of excessive current Larger the current,the more rapidly the fuse will blow.Fuse provides cheapest type of protection,need no maintenance,affords current limiting effect under shot circuit conditions and interrupts enormous short circuit currents without noise,flame,gas or smoke. The drawbacks of fuse are that time is lost in rewiring or replacing of fuse in series cannot be obtained unless there is considerable difference in the relative sizes of the fuse concerned. The function of a fuse wire is 1.To carry the normal working current safely without heating 2.To break the circuit when the current exceeds the limited current. The material used for a fuse wire must be of low melting point,low ohmic loss,high c...


Machine A machine is an equipment which converts one form of energy into another form. 1.AC machine 2.DC machine Irrespective to AC and DC a machine mainly consists of 2 parts  1.ROTOR: It is the rotating part of a machine.This rotation is due to the interaction between windings and magnetic filed and the torque produced due to this. There are different types of rotors -Slip ring Rotor -Squirrel cage Rotor -Wound Rotor -Salient pole Rotor 2.STATOR:It is the stationary part of a machine.The main parts of a stator are -Stator frame -Stator Core -Stator windings


Insulator A material which do not conduct electricity is known as Insulator and there are different types of insulators used in the Transmission and Distribution of Electricity as per the requirements.        All these insulation's are made up of ceramic materials 


Diodes and symbols As we already know a Diode is a switch but there are different types of diodes used which can be clearly understood by the table given below. Diodes and their symbols


Filters: Filters are of two types  1.Active filters:The filters which are designed by using Active elements are known as Active elements. 2.Passive filters:The filters which are designed by using Passive elements are known as Passive elements. In these passive filters there are 1.Low pass filters 2.High pass filters 3.Band pass filters 4.Band elimination filter or Band stop filters 5.All pass filters Passive filters Low pass filters are used to pass or allow only low frequencies they do not pass high frequencies High pass filters are used to pass or allow only high frequencies they do not allow low frequencies Band pass filters are the combination of low pass and high pass filters they allow a particular band of frequencies between low and high frequencies Band elimination filters are used to eliminate or stop a particular band of frequencies between low and high frequencies All pass filters are used to pass both low,high and any rang of frequencies....


Top 15🔥 Those Great inventors who left their mark on the page of EEE forever. Current-Benjamin Frankin Alternating current-Nikola Tesla Resistance-Georg Ohm Capacitor-Ewald Georg Von Kleist Inductance-Joseph Henry Frequency-Heinrich Rudolf Magnetic induction-Michael Faraday Magnetic flux-Michael Faraday Electric Battery-Alessandro Volta Transistor-William Shockley,John Bardeen,Walter Houser Brattain Amplifier-Lee De Forest Transformer-Otto Blathy Generator-Michael Faraday Motor-Michael Faraday Bulb-Thomas Alva Edison. 👏