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A Transformer is a machine that is used to step up and step down the voltages.The Transformer consists of two windings out of which one is of low voltage and another is of high voltage.In other word these windings are also known as Primary and Secondary windings.These windings are wounded on either sides of a Core frame, which is a magnetic material.
1.STEP UP TRANSFORMER:Here a low voltage is stepped up or increased or amplified into high voltage as per the requirement.
2.STEP DOWN TRANSFORMER:  Here a high voltage is stepped down or reduced to low voltage as per the requirement.

A Transformer works on the principle of Electro magnetic induction.When the primary winding is fed by the supply due to this a flux is produced in its coil and thus leads to the generation of emf in the secondary coil due to the Electro magnetic induction.These coils are magnetically coupled, not Electrically.Thus we can understand the basic working principle of a Transformer.


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