Flemming's Right Hand Rule :
This rule of Flemming's is basically used to determine the direction of motion of a conductor in a magnetic field.
According to this rule if we consider our right hand and place the Thumb finger,four finger and second finger such that all the three fingers are mutually perpendicular to each other then,
1. Thumb finger represents the direction of the motion of conductor.
2. Four finger represents the direction of magnetic field.
3.Second finger represents the direction of current induced.
By this we can easily determine the direction of motion of the conductor.
Flemming's Left Hand Rule:
This rule of Flemming's is used to determine the direction of force of the conductor
According to this law if we consider our left hand and place it in a position such that the Thumb finger,Four finger and Second finger are mutually perpendicular to each other then,
1.Thumb finger represents the direction of force in the conductor.
2.Four finger represents the direction of magnetic field.
3.Second finger represents the direction of current.
By this we can easily determine the direction of force of a conductor in a magnetic filed.
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