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Showing posts from December, 2021


 AC SERVO MOTOR WHAT IS A SERVO MOTOR ? Servo Motor is also known as a Control Motor. They are used in Feedback Control Systems but not used for continuous energy conversion. The Principle of Servo Motor is similar to that of other electromagnetic Motors but the Construction and Operation are different. Power rating varies from fraction of watt to hundreds of watts. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF AC SERVO MOTOR Like wise in all other control systems,the input is passed through the Amplifier and then through the Servo Motor and if the output obtained is desirable the there is not use of the feedback loop. If the output Obtained is not desirable then the error in the output is fed back to the error detector and then through the Amplifier,as the error is very minute it is to be amplified and the given to the Servo motor. CLASSIFICATION OF SERVO MOTORS AC SERVO MOTOR CONSTRUCTION                (i)Stator (ii) Rotor Stator has two Distributed Windings with a di...


LED DRIVER CIRCUIT Light Emitting Diode is a special kind of diode that emits energy in the visible band of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, it conducts in forward bias the same as the p-n junction diode. It is used as an  optoelectronic  device.  Now let me ask you a simple question. At our home we get 230 volts AC supply, can we give this directly to an LED? The answer should be Of course not. This is because an LED needs a constant current input. Thus to serve this purpose, we need a driver circuit.  what is OPTOELECTRONICS ? It is a branch of Technology which deals with the combined use of Electronics and Light DESIGN OF LED DRIVER CIRCUIT To the main supply, an AC capacitor is connected in a line with the mains supply. Then, a resistor of 390k ohm is connected in parallel with this capacitor. This is to discharge the capacitor in the absence of supply. One more resistor of 10Ω is connected between the mains supply and the rectifier which can be called fuse...